8 thoughts on “When you find yourself caught in a difficult conversation, pick 2. You work out how to:”

  1. Harsher but perhaps more realistic version:

    When you find yourself caught in a difficult conversation, tell the MC what you want and pick none, one or both:

    – You maintain the relationship

    – You keep your self-respect.

    The MC will then tell you if you get what you want.

  2. like, i could easily see a harsher variant that is 10+ pick 2, 7-7 pick 1,  on a miss pick 1 and something else bad.  or a nicer variant that is 10+ all 3, 7-9 pick 2, miss something else.

    those would say slightly different things about the way you think the world operates, right?

  3. (i also kind of like the idea of the battlebabe always having the right snappy one-liner to end the conversation that sounds cool at the time, but only later everyone’s like “that didn’t really make sense”)

  4. You’re questioning is fine. Yeah, all the variants say very different things about the world, your actions and you.

    I’m playing with the form here, to see how it can twist and turn. The roll versions are out there already and they can make awesome sexy rompy-stompy characters. But this difficult conversations move, for example, it will deliver something rather different.

    But I haven’t any immediate plans to use this in any of my games. In many ways, I’m making this game mechanic to reflect on how unfair the “real” world seems to be sometimes.

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