Silly imaginary wizard discussion:

Silly imaginary wizard discussion:

Silly imaginary wizard discussion:

there is no such things like soft or hard MC moves, there are only Adventure Times moves!

“Real” question: the difference between soft and hard moves is written on the manual or is something that come from the netosphere? I cant find them in the book, but maybe its just me.

IMPORTANT question: what is your definition of Adventure Times MC move? I have mine and I will write it later, but first i want to hear yours! ^^

9 thoughts on “Silly imaginary wizard discussion:”

  1. Hard moves are discussed on p116-117. The basic difference is that a soft move is the setup (this is about to happen, what do you do?) and a hard move is the followthrough (this happened, here’s the consequences).

  2. How about “Reveal an existing relationship”

    I feel like Jake and Finn are always bumping into people they already know whom we’re meeting for the first time.

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