4 thoughts on “Finally finished up The Dragon.”

  1. I don’t really get the reason for the sex move. It just seems sort of disconnected, altogether. Otherwise, phenomenal playbook, I think, and I adore the death move.

  2. The idea was that sex with The Dragon grants them both a supernatural awareness for a short time. I suspect I just liked the idea and put it into this archetype. If it’s jarring, it can be easily replaced. Any suggestions?

  3. “I adore the death move” >> cosign.  so good.

    Sex move edit suggestion:

    When you and another character have

    sex, you each hold 1. You can spend your

    hold to use Study Someone on each other as if you rolled a 12+ and had advanced the move.

  4. When you and another character have sex, ask them if it’s their first time. If not, the sex is fine. If it is, the experience is magical, and each of you hold one. Spend that hold to succeed on a Study Someone or Keep An Eye Out with a 10+.

    Dragons got a thing for virgins after all 😉

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