I got a super limited-edition AW hack in the mail that I wanted to share some photos of.

I got a super limited-edition AW hack in the mail that I wanted to share some photos of.

I got a super limited-edition AW hack in the mail that I wanted to share some photos of.

Originally shared by J. Walton

So I’m putting together a dark, twisted, vaguely Potter-esque academy of sorcery called School of the Arts for Jackson Tegu ‘s current Monsterhearts thing, and I came home from work yesterday to discover that Gray Pawn had send me a package containing his work on a Pottery AW hack. And I figured it’d be awesome but HOLY SNITCH BALLS, Hermione! I was not fully prepared.

Steel yourselves for this:

(1) Character Creation and Basic Moves booklet

(2) two copies of the Playbo– I mean Spellbooks

(3) A bunch of cool icons on cards

(4) A bunch of black cardstock pieces that are kinda weird but– WTF THEY HAVE MOONLETTERS ON THEM WHEN YOU TILT THEM IN THE LIGHT (see second photo)

(5) A handwritten, color-coded spiral notebook with 2/3 of a complete Potter-style AW hack (I attached two photos of this because it is pure awesome)

(6) And last but not least, an alphabetical lexicon of every spell cast in any of the Potter books, complete with description

Wow, just wow. So be advised that I am now fully armed for the task ahead and will be building on the badass foundations of those who have Pottered before me. Appropriately (because we’re talking Monsterhearts) I don’t think I’ve received a package quite this humbling since Joe Mcdaldno’s beautiful handmade game about the history of emo.

If you want to pitch in and make sure this happens, consider contributing to the Kickstarter, which is full of an intense assortment of goodies from some of the greatest minds currently at work in indie gaming. Also emo-tastic prep-school sorcerers from yours truly! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1571708637/monsterhearts-second-skins

6 thoughts on “I got a super limited-edition AW hack in the mail that I wanted to share some photos of.”

  1. If the goal doesn’t get met, I’ll still get Jackson to send out a playable version to all contributors, certainly. It just won’t be a front-burner project for being playtested and finished.

  2. This is super pretty. Goodness, Gray Pawn, you outdo yourself.

    If you knew what I do about this Jackson Tegu guy, you’d have a different opinion, Tommy Rayburn! Ha ha, just kidding. I too am super excited for what Jon and Jonathan are doing! I know Monsterhearts isn’t everybody’s ball of wax, same as anything. 

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