Forgot to reshare here.

Forgot to reshare here.

Forgot to reshare here.

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

Skins for the Skinless is now available for download! 

This document has all the Monsterhearts skins I’ve released so far (the Beast, the Calaca, the Fury, the Proxy, and the Unseen) collected in one convenient package.

“But Topher,” I hear you say, “I already downloaded all those. Why would I get this?” 

Because there’s new content too! An “Under the Skin” MC advice section for each playbook is included. ^_^ 

I’ll update this document as I release new skins so you can always get the compiled version if you want it. THIS IS FREE SHIT. Please share it with anyone who wants it! All I ask is that you don’t take my name off it and that you let me know how it went if you use it in a game. If you like my stuff and want to help support me in releasing more free gaming material, please consider pledging a buck or two to my Patreon campaign (


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