4 thoughts on “The Behemoth walks!”

  1. P.S. it doesn’t have a sex move, but I think it may need another Special in the form of a post-rampage emotional-bonding move. Let me know if you have suggestions!

  2. Also, just noticed that Friend To All Children may not make sense now that Sooth The Savage Beast and Make Yourself Understood don’t apply only to companions. Hmm…

  3. Jonathan Walton maybe emotional bonding tied to suffering harm/tending to wounds? Something like: “If you reveal your vulnerability to another character and allow them to tend to your wounds, it counts as having sex for the purposes of their Special and you gain Hx + 1.” (The triggering-their-sex-move part would work well with the core playbooks, I think, but be a bit odd, potentially, with The Marmot. Or it would be amazing with The Marmot, depending on your perspective.)

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