Here’s a character I’ve been wanting to play for a while, so I decided to make him so I have him ready sometime.

Here’s a character I’ve been wanting to play for a while, so I decided to make him so I have him ready sometime.

Here’s a character I’ve been wanting to play for a while, so I decided to make him so I have him ready sometime. I have heard so many stand-up comics talk about how they’re fucked if there’s an apocalypse, and have heard more than one say more or less this exact phrase, “What am I gonna do? Tell jokes to save my life?” It occurred to me that Apocalypse World is a place where you can do that.

So here’s Frost. He’s a chubby little foulmouthed cretin of guy, a Skinner who’s telling jokes to save his life and get some grub.

Frost the Skinner

Look: Man, casual wear (ancient band t-shirts and jeans), strange face (bug eyes, sharp nose, compellingly ugly), mocking eyes, fat body.

Stats: Cool+1 Hard-1 Hot+2 Sharp+1 Weird=0

Moves: Artful & gracious (stand-up comedy), Hypnotic

Gear: Sleeve pistol (2-harm close reload loud), eyeglasses (worn valuable, used for +1 sharp), a pet (valuable, alive): a hairless monkey named Turd

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