Jadepunk World? Jade World? (Have an idea for the name?)

Jadepunk World? Jade World? (Have an idea for the name?)

Originally shared by Ryan M. Danks

Jadepunk World? Jade World? (Have an idea for the name?)

We just announced an Apocalypse World/Dungeon World edition of Jadepunk when we hit 300 backers!


10 thoughts on “Jadepunk World? Jade World? (Have an idea for the name?)”

  1. I think the “World” titling is usually not the best idea, and I don’t think it sounds so good here. What about just, “Jadepunk: Powered By The Apocalypse Edition”?

  2. At the moment we’re using World of Jadepunk, but I can see where that would be confusing (it could easily be confused with a setting supplement).

    Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll add it to the list.

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