The Goblin Queen

The Goblin Queen

The Goblin Queen

Name: Anne Morrison

Type: Monster/Devourer

Motivation: Consuming teeth and bones makes her grow stronger.

Powers: Invisibility, Entrance, Telekenesis

Weaknesses: Cold iron, Magic, Rowan wood and berries

Attacks: Throw items – 2-4 harm close, Claw 3 harm intimate

Armor: 0          Harm capacity: 10

Custom move: Entrance

Roll +Cool. On 10+, mark xp & take +1 forward if you follow her orders. On 7-9, mark xp if you do as she commands. If you refuse, +1 on her next attempt to entrance you. On a miss, do what she says.

Name: Goblin swarm

Type: Minion/Plague

Motivation: Destroy the humans and bring their tasty bits to ‘Mother’.

Powers: Faery Raide, bite (individual)

Weaknesses: Cold iron, Magic, Rowan wood and berries

Attacks: Bite 2 harm intimate, Faery Raide 3 harm close

Armor: 0         Harm: 1 (individual), 6 as a swarm

Custom move: Faery Raide

The swarm will snatch individuals up and hold them in the air, tossing them from one goblin to another and completely disorienting them. The goblins will rip at the person with claws and teeth before dropping them from a height designed to hurt the individual.

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