The game is pretty sweet!

The game is pretty sweet!

The game is pretty sweet! Are there plans for more Playbooks? I think one for a Golem/Construct thing might be a good addition to the Night, and maybe some kind of Lovecraftian thing for the Wild. I’m actually writing up a few ideas for the construct, mostly based around the idea of rage

14 thoughts on “The game is pretty sweet!”

  1. I need to read more about Urban Shadows (I’ve only given it a few brief readthroughs) but I feel that the Construct would be better as Power, and the Lovecraftian as Night. Now I could be totally off, of course.

    On an unrelated note, the Construct should have a move called “I Have No Mouth and Yet I Must Scream”. I don’t know what it’d do, but the name fits.

  2. Hey! Welcome to the community. 

    I have been toying with something like a construct, what I’m calling The Revenant. A person who was killed and has been sent back for a specific purpose, usually to enact revenge on those that killed them. This would be the closest to what you’e suggesting as I think I would be going myself.

    But it’s just an idea right now. I may not make any more Archetypes until after the game launches. I suspect not all the Archetypes in the play-test document will make it into the core book, so there will probably be a perfectly even divide between the factions. 🙂

  3. I’m planning to merge Sixth World with The Sprawl and the “Factions”

    approach that Urban Shadows is using. In my head it should work splendidly.

    We’ll see.

  4. Tommy Rayburn Plan is to use The Sprawl as base and integrate things from Sixth World and US. I’ll post about it in a separate thread over in the PbtA group as soon as I’m a bit further in.

  5. Yes. But now I learned the Sixth World project has split into three different “splices” (v25, Digest 1.3, Simplified Edition). After reading all three, I think I’ll leave The Sprawl out and just take the Digest version plus the “physical pushes stun damage” from v25 and replace the DW-Style “Debts&Favors” with the fabulous Debts-System from UW.

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