What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia?

What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia?

What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia? 

I think a (flesh hunger) Ghoul works pretty well for anorexia since eating for them is monstrous and you want to avoid that at all cost. The fight against the hunger would be a big part of that character with monstrous stuff happening when they give in to it. 

But being a social outcast because of percived body issues? I know there are some fan made “Grotesque” type playbooks hanging out there but what else? 

You could do it with the Ghoul too i think but it would turn into just a Zombie thing pretty fast and not deal with the social stuff so much. Any suggestions? 

Of course you could play every character as overweight and self conscious about it (and a very big Choosen is a cool image) but what skin can help you focus on that? 

6 thoughts on “What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia?”

  1. I used an Infernal with The Glutton as his Dark Power. Playing an overweight monsterheart can lead to a lonely monster, though. Frighteningly like real life! 🙁 It was sort of cathartic, but just a one shot so I couldn’t really dig deep.

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