So, this idea is in my Mind to join forces and combine the best of two worlds: A Fate and Dungeonworld ie AW engine…

So, this idea is in my Mind to join forces and combine the best of two worlds: A Fate and Dungeonworld ie AW engine…

So, this idea is in my Mind to join forces and combine the best of two worlds: A Fate and Dungeonworld ie AW engine heartbreaker!

This is just Brainstorming, youre welcome to chime in.

So you have colaborative Char and setting creation like in Fate core, a fixed Number of Aspekts, 5 or 6 plus 2 Bonds. High concept would be +2 from there all the way down to trouble at -2. If you do something risky or opposed, roll + Aspekt. Bonds are to help or hinder like in DW

There are no Fatepoints, only the principle of narrative truth: if a player says something about the world, its true, there might be a a yes, but… Involved or a roll (or veto)

So there are my very preliminary thoughts. What do you think?

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