What’s the best (or most favored) dice app to use in a G+ Hangout for an AW/DW game?

What’s the best (or most favored) dice app to use in a G+ Hangout for an AW/DW game?

What’s the best (or most favored) dice app to use in a G+ Hangout for an AW/DW game? Considering running one next week.

12 thoughts on “What’s the best (or most favored) dice app to use in a G+ Hangout for an AW/DW game?”

  1. I like Diice Stream because it took me about 10 seconds how to figure out how to use it. And about 20 more seconds to figure out some of the features (lower third). Only thing I don’t like is that you can’t have it do the math for you. (as far as I know)

  2. Gentlemen, you’re both right!  I have great fun groaning as I see a 1 and a 3 appear above someone’s head and also as I hear the rattle of dice that someone is holding up to the mic.

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