A couple of things I’ve been wondering as I work on some more Japanese-inspired Skins.

A couple of things I’ve been wondering as I work on some more Japanese-inspired Skins.

A couple of things I’ve been wondering as I work on some more Japanese-inspired Skins.

First, has anyone added 0s to the stat arrays, rather than just using two sets of 1/-1? If my math is correct (and it may not be), there are only six possible starting stat configurations if you use only two 1s and two -1s. Using one 1, one -1, and two 0s (1/0/0/-1) adds another six possible configurations, while still keeping the total of the stats at 0. Thoughts? I don’t see some of the Skins I’m working on to be particularly bad or good at certain stats.

Second, how do people feel about not being given any optional moves at character creation? Meaning certain Skins would start with two or three “mandatory” moves only? Does that feel like too much of a straightjacket?

7 thoughts on “A couple of things I’ve been wondering as I work on some more Japanese-inspired Skins.”

  1. I believe the Angel starts with a Stat at 0, but then again the Angel’s starting move means their Stats are a bit unorthodox all over. I can’t think of any reason why you couldn’t start a Skin with 0 in a Stat so long as you feel it’s thematically justified.

    As for your other question, it would certainly be an interesting experience. Maybe a Skin that represents feeling like all of your decisions have already been made for you. They’d need something creative for Advance options though.

  2. Derp. I forgot that the Angel’s Cold starts at 0. So it’s been done before. Thinking about the nature of the Skin (it was the Tanuki), it didn’t strike me as being particularly Hot or Cold. Not enough to warrant a 1 or -1.

    For the mandatory moves, the Skin (again, it was the Tanuki) seems like it might have three starting moves. I don’t like to make individual moves too long or complex, and usually chop them up into smaller chunks if they seem to be going that way. But saying “You get these three, and choose one more.” seemed like way too many.

    At this point in development, the three mandatory moves seem necessary to make the Skin feel like a Tanuki. I could be wrong though.

  3. I think the stats -1/+1 says that our monsterhearts are monstrous, exceptional. Their nature in this way highlighted, pure. They’re in the extremes “very”: very hot and volatile, but totally not dark and cold – they’re not in the middle by (monstrous) nature.

    What do you think?

  4. I can certainly see that angle, Aleksandra Sontowska. It makes sense. Monsterhearts PCs are not ordinary teenagers, and having a 0 stat makes you kind of average. Being exceptionally good or exceptionally bad at something makes you stand out. I had kind of forgotten that one of the game’s Agendas is to make the characters feel unaccepted. What better way to do that then to make them stand out?

  5. Characters should start out with flaws the GM (and other players) can target. A +0 isn’t strong, but it isn’t deficient…remember, a 2d6+0 curve starts at 2.

    If the moves give other players a way to manipulate the  Tanuki, give’em as many 0s as you like. Maybe they’re 0, 0, 0, +1…assigning a +1 and a -1.

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