Setting up a move for Urban Shadows (AW hack) and having a problem with this move.

Setting up a move for Urban Shadows (AW hack) and having a problem with this move.

Setting up a move for Urban Shadows (AW hack) and having a problem with this move.

I will just put up the description for now, see the response and will put up where John Layton  and I have been going (and I feel failing) later.

“Freak of Nature: You have mutated into something hideously inhuman. Whether you grow horns, claws, thick leathery skin, or another thing else, there is no hiding what you are. Describe your new form to the MC.”

5 thoughts on “Setting up a move for Urban Shadows (AW hack) and having a problem with this move.”

  1. Is this about the mutation or about having said mutation as a special power of sorts? Depending on the focus, it can lead to extremely different moves.

    Where should this push the story? In what directions? What opportunities do you want this to create, and what obstacles? What situations and tropes from similar books/comics/movies/games do you want to evoke?

  2. Alberto Muti, great point. This move is for the later, that though he may be a mutated freak, that his body does have some benefits from the mutation that help him in some way, shape or form.

    I am pulling from any movie that has a freak in that is deformed and affected by such deformaties. That with those new strengths comes the heckling of people and feeling like an outcast.

  3. As Tommy said, the type of character this move was originally designed for has mutated into some hideously grotesque. The source material I drew it from (as it’s a major part of that character type) was so open ended, your mutation could be anything from claws, horn, thicker skin to act as minor armor, or anything else your mind could think of. It didn’t really give a lot of examples but expressed creativity. And as this is a later ability, your character morphs from a simple freak into this thing that would terrify practically all who look upon him.

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