Back again, with more material about ESC (that’s my game):

Back again, with more material about ESC (that’s my game):

Back again, with more material about ESC (that’s my game):

“Here’s the Basic Moves:

Hold your Tits

When facing a hard situation that you need to hold yourself, roll+Smooth. On a 10+, you manage to hold yourself very welll, and can: add/remove a Trait (consistent with the scene), or ask the MR a question about the situation. On a 7-9, you can keep yoursel cool, or ask one question to the MR and get the Afraid of xxxxx Trait.

Get the Profile Down

When you try not to be noticed, roll+Smooth. On a 10+, you get the “Unnoticed” Trait until the end of the scene. On a 7-9, you choose one: you get the “Unoticed” Trait just for your very next action (that may be just walk), or, you get the Trait until the end of the scene, but every move count as a Hard Situation.

Be Gorgeous on Someone

When trying to persuade, lie, seduce, or otherwise, manipulate other, roll with Gorgeous. On a 10+, choose one: they give you what you want, at a cost; they get seduced (how to act is still their decision), they believe in what you say as truth. On a 7-9, you can choose one of the opitions of the 10+, but you also get the Trait In Debt, meaning they are comming back for you, someday.

Get Attention

When trying to make everyone focus on you, roll+Gorgeous. On a 10+, you get the attention you wanted. If it’s from a Player Character [PC], you get +1 in your Sync with her (just one PC, even if ther’s everyone). On a 7-9, you get the attention too, but anyone without the “Unnoticed” Trait doing somethin noticeable (MR’s call) can get it back.

Go Hard on Someone

When you try to impose yourself on someone, roll+Wild. On a 10+, they choose: do what you said, or force it (and take harm). On a 7-9, they can (they choose one):

• get the hell out your way

• get safe

• give you something (their call)

• back off, intimidated

• tell you something usefull (their call)

If its a PC, it also get the “Afraid of xxx” Trait on a hit, xxx meaning you.

Wild out

When you react to something in a wild way, roll+Wild. On a 10+, choose:

• you cause your harm (as estabilished), and sufer none

• you get to your goal, safe

 On a 7-7, choose one:

• you cause harm, and suffer harm (as estabilished)

• you run away, but can’t precisely say to where (the MC will probably give you a hard choice between safety and your goal)

Analyze Hard Situations

When you analyze a hard situation, roll+Clever. On a 10 + , you can ask up to three questions to your MR, and get a consistent Trait to deal with the situation using the answers. On a 7-9, you can ask one question, and get no Trait.

Choose the questions from:

• where’s my best escape route/way in/way past?

• witch enemmy is most vunerable to me?

• witch enemy is the biggest threat?

• what should I be on the loookout for?

• what’s my enemies true position?

• who’s in control here?

Plan the Action

When you take your time to plan an (before mentioned) action, roll+Clever. On a 10+, you get a Trait (consistent with the scene, and the plan) that last until the end of the action, and make statement about the plan. If another player or an NPC follows it, it may take the same Trait as you – or another one (consistent with the scene, and the statement). On a 7-9, you get the Trait.

Taste the Web of Realities

When you use your senses to see, listen or feel beyond the natural world, roll+Freak. On a hit, you MR will tell you something new and interesting, ask you one (or two) question(s). Answer them truthfully. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1:

• Ask a question, ad get the “Exhausted” Trait

• Remove a Trait (consistent with the scene, and the visions)

• Add a Trait (consistent with the scene, and the visions)

• Give someone els a Trait (consistent with the scene, and the visions)

• Make a statement – that is true from now on (consistent with the scene, the visions, and everyone’s judgement)

Help or Interfere

When you help or interfere with someone, roll+Tune spent. On a 10+, they take +1 (help), or – 1 (interfere). On a 7-9, they get the modifyers (you can’t increase), but you also expose yourself (let the circunstances judge how).”

Hope you guys like it, and maybe give me some feedback.

6 thoughts on “Back again, with more material about ESC (that’s my game):”

  1. Stuart McDermid That’s pretty much it. it has some kind of levels too (like, from 1 to 3, to add in rolls), but only when permanent. I’ll be talking about Traits soon.

    And, thanks to share that it works. I’ll be running a playtest in a week, and was worried about that.

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