Hey friends. So… I’m making a playset for MH based on the HBO show Carnivale and a few other dark carnival books and movies in the world. I’m technologically inept and don’t know how to make the skins. Any advice people can offer?
Hey friends.
Hey friends.
You’re wanting to create custom skins for this? Cool! There is a section in the book about making your own skins.
Otherwise, I suggest simply looking at the skins on offer already and figuring out which ones would fit, which wouldn’t, and which might need some discussion beforehand with any player interested in taking it on. I’m curious to know what else you’re considering including in this playset. Good luck! 
Well, I managed to manipulate MS Word to make the skins. It was more
howto make them into a presentable document as opposed to writing them. I’ve written 15 skins, made two new rules, and am almost done a ~20k word play set book. I started play testing tonight. Weeee!I’d be delighted to give this a try as a player and/or MC at some point, Kate Bullock .
I’m gonna finish doing some playtesting with it and then recruit others. I’m not quite done the playbook. Soon! Thanks for offering to try it!
I’d be up for playtesting that too. Do you think it’ll be ready in time for Fan Expo?
As for layout resources, maybe talk to Andrew Medeiros. He just successfully Kickstarted the Urban Shadows Apocalype Engine game, and is really friendly to boot.
I am not friendly! Dani L. can attest to that.
Kate, I actually use power point for all my layout needs and really like it for that. If you’d like, I could design you a template file for MH skins easily enough that you could copy paste everything into.
In return, I WANT THIS GAME!!!
I am wisely going to refrain from commenting, Andrew Medeiros .
And yes, I’m still very interested in playtesting, especially as a player.