Meaning to ask: I know the Beta test is called “Indy Circuit” – is that just a test name, or meant to signify “intro…

Meaning to ask: I know the Beta test is called “Indy Circuit” – is that just a test name, or meant to signify “intro…

Meaning to ask: I know the Beta test is called “Indy Circuit” – is that just a test name, or meant to signify “intro rules?” Because the rules are set up as more of  polished, televised wrestling company.

I could totally see an “Indy Circuit” supplement, however, with Indy wrestler gimmicks like “Spot Monkey,” “Washed-Up Oldtimer,” “Local Hero,” “Garbage Wrestler,” “Backyard Wrestling,” etc…

I could also see a Japanese supplement, with gimmicks like “Young Boy,” “Shoot Fighter,” “Junior Heavyweight,” “Gaijin Bully,” “King’s Road Golden Ace,” “Death Match Warrior,” etc…

One thought on “Meaning to ask: I know the Beta test is called “Indy Circuit” – is that just a test name, or meant to signify “intro…”

  1. Just the Beta name!

    I’m thinking of making “audience” Moves that would reflect those different kinds of circuits. Like, the ECW Audience Move would be: 

    “Whenever anyone gets injured, they take +1 Audience”

    Stuff like that!

    Also, yes, more specific Gimmicks are totally possible. I have my own metrics for what I consider “Gimmick-worthy”, but I’m easy – y’all are totally good to come up with your own stuff if the basic 10 aren’t doing it for you!

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