Last Night On World Wide Wrestling

Last Night On World Wide Wrestling

Originally shared by Nathan Paoletta

Last Night On World Wide Wrestling

coming to you LIVE from Richmond, VA


(sorry, not up to the big writeup right this sec, but bullet points!)

– Keith Senkowski ‘s Keystone locks management in an office, then legit breaks the key, giving him free reign over the show. None of the booking was set yet, nobody knows what’s going on!

– first match, Ron Edwards plays the Jobber Bill Blast (while Bruto is offscreen healing up). He gets rushed into a match with Jaxon the Saxon to set up a Revolution segment – before he can put over the Saxon, Tex Arkana (Eric Mersmann , taking on an NPC and making him the Technician) runs-in and beatsdown both guys, before revealing he’s now officially part of the Revolution. Keystone and CHL enter and Keystone puts Jaxon in the Brainwasher.

– backstage it’s chaos! Keystone scrambles to cover, and goes to Perdition to set up a 2-on-1 handicap with the Birds of Prey (Raptor & Buzzard). Perdition hasn’t even put his boots on yet, so Keystone has to keep the audience busy…

– Tex delivers a meandering promo to buy Keystone time, while Keystone thinks fast and pulls Bill Blast back out to beat on him and MAKE A POINT about WHO’S IN CHARGE TONITE. Bill takes some chair shots and blades, it gets uncomfortable but the audience is finally paying attention!

– The 2-on-1 match goes great! (Narrated, no PCs involved). Perdition hits both men with the Road to Perdition.

– Backstage, Bill tells the janitor that the lock on the office is broken, and he goes off to find a crowbar and let the management out.

– Keystone books El Tigre and local favorite Scour in a LADDER MATCH to keep the audience hyped.

– Backstage, Tina Tahini and C. Colton Craig have been released. She is spitting mad. Craig pulls Keystone aside and gives him the bottom line – “The rating had better be great for tonite or you are fired.”

– Final match, Keystone books himself and the Revolution (so now it’s a full faction, with CHL, Tex and Jaxon all having been brainwashed into it) against the only man who’s in his way, Perdition. Perdition clears the ring of the minions and has some brutal one-on-one with Keystone, and then all hell breaks loose after a succesfully pulled Low Blow, and the Revolution runs in to beatdown the “giant giant.” Keystone pulls back his men and they retreat once the big guy is down – but he does manage to get up and tear down the Revolution banner hanging over the ring, finalizing his face turn and setting up a feud going forward.

Good Episode! Kind of weird to get started, with the Revolution angle, and the guys had absolutely terrible dice for the first part, so there was a palpable “oh shit how are we going to pull this on off” tension.