Wizard World Update

Wizard World Update

Wizard World Update

It’s been a while since I checked in, but it looks like I should be done with the 60 hour work weeks for a while, so I’m getting back to fairly regular gaming. I did squeeze out a few hours here and there over the last few months to do some copy-editing and the most recent version of the rules is available here:


Feedback is very welcome. I’ll be using this project to refresh my InDesign skills in the near future and, with your help, I’m confident this can be a great tribute to Ars Magica.

Alexander Davis did you manage to keep your campaign going?

Playbooks and reference sheets are available here:



17 thoughts on “Wizard World Update”

  1. Jonathan Davis turned me on to your Ars Magica/AW mash up. Holy cow is this ambitious! I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.

    I did notice that the experience page for the House Bjornaer sheet says “Bonisagus” on it.

  2. George Austin, thanks! It’s amazing how many times you can look something over and still miss little details like that.

    I even have a Bjornaer magus in the playtest campaign and none of us noticed it.

  3. I love your work.

    Personally I would love to see some principles/procedures for troupe play. The original Ars Magica didn’t give much indication on how to do it. I am also not sure how to use grogs in troupe play. Should we stat them up somehow?

  4. Thanks, Ivan Vaghi!

    There’s a bit of advice on troupe play scattered throughout, but I don’t really call it out as such… definitely something to look at for the next version.

    In the playtest campaign I’ve only statted-up one grog – the one who got possessed by a demon. Otherwise the only “stat” they’ve required is the Shield Grog special move.

    Each time the players interact with a grog, even briefly, that grog gets a name and I add them to the Covenant front. Other than a name, description and motivation, I haven’t found a need for many stats.

    On the other hand, you could do a full stat block if a player wanted to run a grog as their main character for a session. There are no set rules for doing so – you’d just have to work it out between you.

  5. Also i am highly confused by Parley. Why is this here?

    Intercovenant Politics seem to be a major point in the game but there is no basic move that can be used there. Am i missing something?

  6. Parley is definitely a remnant from when the hack was much closer to DW. I don’t recall it being used a single time during the playtest – I just haven’t got around to officially cutting it yet.

    I haven’t really explored specific moves for *inter*covenant politics. If you mean internal covenant politics, that was my intent with the Council moves and rules. I’m sceptical about how effective they’ve been…

    Thanks for taking a look Tim Franzke!

  7. Apologies, the link broke when Dropbox reset them all and I keep forgetting to update it. I’ll post the new one when I’m back at my computer.

  8. It’s probably worth mentioning that I’m doing a substantial rewrite of the game, which will include:

    – elimination of council moves in their current state

    – complete reworking of companions to bring them more in line with Dungeon World hirelings (not exactly the same, but close)

    I don’t have a timeline on the next version yet, but I’m finally getting excited about the project again, so I hope to move fairly quickly.

    Thanks again for all of your interest!

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