Hey. I have players eager to collaborate and team up. What are your go to strategies to Put them at Odds?

Hey. I have players eager to collaborate and team up. What are your go to strategies to Put them at Odds?

Hey. I have players eager to collaborate and team up. What are your go to strategies to Put them at Odds?

I’ve got a Robotic Hollow, an Infernal on Great Terms with her Dark Power, and a Ghoul who wants power yet before he died, was a nice guy.

What works so far: using the Dark Power to get Infernal to manipulate the Ghoul; making the Infernal choose between her kid brother and the Ghoul, and presenting opportunities where lies are a lot easier than the truth.

If it helps, the game is set in winter in Montana in ’96.

2 thoughts on “Hey. I have players eager to collaborate and team up. What are your go to strategies to Put them at Odds?”

  1. That depends on who their adversaries are. I’ve had a ghoul (hunger: fear) try to seduce the queens boyfrind and accidentally killing him, leaving the queen to fnd the body in the gym.

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