Drive Moves i would be exited to get

Drive Moves i would be exited to get

Drive Moves i would be exited to get 

One important part of moves is getting people exited to use them. So i went through the drive playbooks and looked for what moves i would be happy to take because i think they are fun or powerful. A lot of them are highly thematic, but that is not what this post is about. 

Hunter – maybe because it gives me the chance to define things about the world (but maybe in a way that is too much the GMs job, not the players)

Not to be triffeled with – because i would abuse the theck out of it, gaining +1 ongoing against a bunch of people and bullying them around. Sounds extremely powerful. 

Coping Mechanism – however i don’t know how an enemy takes +2 forward against me when they don’t roll 

Painfull catharsis – maybe. It needs the (your choice) clause in order to be actually useable though 

Read a Person – it is powerful, it is fun. But it is not really exiting thing to pick up. 

Voice of Reason 

Often right – would be exiting if i could gain an archivement when they do it 

Workspace – because it is freaking powerful 

Deep Pockets – would be exiting if it wouldn’t have the limitations. However i am a big fan of the 6- result.

Push the Boundaries of Science entry move – that could be cool but the way it works here is kind of strange. How does this interact with the bond threshold? Also it might be hard to burn bonds while working on this. 

Mumbo Jumbo – i would be exited to pick this up when playing a Reed Richards type character, however. It seems more like a power to me. 

Foxhole – because it has the potential to be heavily abused

Eye for Danger – maybe

I am the Law – just because on a 10+ i get to choose what they do (and that is not what normally happens in AW games)

Boy Scout – because it can be broken easily 

Also powerful because it doesn’t have a fixed list of things i can ask. 

Leading Strike – if i can find a way to attack everyone at once this is cool. 

Leadership – this is my kind of move. I like it. 

Mechanical and thematic feedback will follow. 

5 thoughts on “Drive Moves i would be exited to get”

  1. Hey Tim, cool stuff. I feel like you maybe lean to the power gaming side of things and look for mechanical benefits. I’d suggest choosing what would make for the coolest story at the table and what you want for your character and the game. 

    For example – What you call broken for Boy Scout, I call really great at making a thematic superhero story. it plays out a dialogue between hero and villain, revealing origin stories, plans, monologues happen, etc. It could just be a taste thing though.

  2. Of course you can use that for this. It is a really cool thing to do and creates cool scenes. However it also allows you to stop their attack or make them just hesitate enough to just punch them in the face with your forehead. 

    And yes, i am a powergamer. However powergaming in World games usually doesn’t brake the system in any way. I mostly do it so that i can put the story in the way that i want. 

  3. Yeah, that’s why I was a little surprised at the terminology used for *World moves. Makes sense though! And yeah for Boy Scout it lets you distract them by asking questions and getting them to monologue but you can’t inflict Conditions. If you want to say you bash them in the face to distract them, that’d be cool – there just wouldn’t be any mechanical weight behind it (not that there needs to be).

  4. Well if you are in a place that would require you to Defy Danger before taking them down, you now don’t have to roll for defy danger. That might be relevant. 

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