I posted this in the Latest Draft section and I realize I should have posted it here.

I posted this in the Latest Draft section and I realize I should have posted it here.

I posted this in the Latest Draft section and I realize I should have posted it here. Sorry for the double post, but I want to make sure I get some info on this.

Copy of Other Post Follows:

I have a question, how will we know how much a hero can lift or how fast they run, is that just text in a power? How does that workout in game play? So if the Hulk has +3 Smash and so does Luke Cage, who is stronger for example, clearly it should be the Hulk. Or what if say Wolverine had +3 Smash due to his claws, how is that separated from lifting power? To further clarify, could an attribute have some trait for it like, Protect 0 might have at trait of (Psychic +2), meaning that it is only +2 vs. psychic attack, is that part of advantages and powers?

Also, I noticed the attributes range maxes at +3 apparently, how are cosmic level heroes handled? So if I was playing Silver Surfer and another person was playing Black Panther how would their abilities and attributes scale. Is that also in power description, if so how exactly?

Based on the beta, the game looks great! Nice to see a non-complex hero game that is closer to the comics. I have been thinking of a game system pretty much like this for years. Glad someone is working on it.


2 thoughts on “I posted this in the Latest Draft section and I realize I should have posted it here.”

  1. My understanding is that these distinctions are entirely decided by the fiction and the stats just show how effective you are at using your abilities for rolls. So if the player of the hulk wanted to lift a tank then that’s fine as it fits the fiction, but if wolverine tries it its a straight no as it doesn’t suit the fiction or his powers.

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