An (in progress) take on a Dresden Files style hunter…

An (in progress) take on a Dresden Files style hunter…

An (in progress) take on a Dresden Files style hunter…

Originally shared by Fred Hicks

Told myself I’d wait to run or play the game before I made one, but then I had time on my hands and not enough motivation for other things.

Ah, well. 🙂


9 thoughts on “An (in progress) take on a Dresden Files style hunter…”

  1. Ha! I did a similar thing for having offensive magic options! Fred’s looks better, though… and while there is some overlap (clearly there’s powerful Dresden overtones to Fred’s playbook, and to mine too).

  2. The layout and design is beautiful. Will we see the other playbooks switching to a similar format as well?

    I know I’ll have players chomping at the bit to try this out. I’ll report back once we give it a shot.

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