What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat?

What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat?

What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat? 

The Angel’s roll +stock spent comes to mind. 

The reason I’m asking is this (n.b. the game includes possible rerolls, so the player isn’t completely helpless): 

Obtain a Patuá 

When you consult an expert regarding the preparation of a protective amulet for yourself, roll a die. On a 6, choose 1. On a 3-5, the GM chooses up to 2. 

– A specific component is required before your patuá can be made.

– You need to accomplish a task first. 

– You must agree to owe the maker a favour, no questions asked. 

On a 2-, you are not yet ready to carry a patuá. You cannot ask again until the next episode.

If you receive a patuá, your GM will give you a new signature move that you can use by calling on its power. 

7 thoughts on “What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat?”

  1. The barter move in Apocalypse World, when you want something and spend barter to get it, roll+barter. The death move in Dungeon World, when you are dying roll+nothing (death doesn’t care about your stats). 

  2. The harm move in AW, where you roll+the harm inflicted and might take more harm as a result, to reflect when an attack is severe or unpredictable.

  3. I can’t remember where I saw this, but I know I’ve seen something like…

    When you __, ask yourself the following questions:

     – Are you __?

     – Have you __?

     – Is your ___?

    Then roll and add +1 for each question to which you answered “yes.” On a 10+…

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