Looking to the future

Looking to the future

Looking to the future

How do you see new materials being handled. By this I mean, if I have an idea for something like a set of moves that could be an archetype, but might be handled better to something akin to a Compendium Class from DW is there a preferred method or precedent that can be set

7 thoughts on “Looking to the future”

  1. First, I think we’re always going to open to working with folks on developing new Archetypes. I think it’s a really cool thing to see happening within the community, and we’d love to support it. If you’ve got an idea, post it here and let people help you with it.

    That said, I don’t think the Compendium Class format is a great fit for Urban Shadows. US is more like AW, so the playbooks are more finely tuned and the moves are broader. CCs work so well in DW because the playbooks are broad and the moves are very specific. It’s pretty easy to turn a Fighter into a Death Knight (for example).

    I think the best place to invest this kind of energy, though, is City Guides and custom Threats. I’d love to see us come up with a bunch of cool villains and NPCs that folks can drop into their games…

  2. Thanks Mark Diaz Truman . I can see that. I was actually thinking more along the lines of something like Loresheets from Weapons of the Gods (if you are familiar with that).  So a small write up of an artifact that has a story to uncover and potentially power that can be abused or a form of magic that anyone could use if they were willing to pay the cost (like Rites from Dresden)

  3. Well, I have a few ideas along these lines so as soon as you post the finalized mechanics I will get them going 😉

    BTW, just going to throw out the idea: SIN-Eater. mmm, tasty tasty corruption, but you’ll owe me 🙂

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