Would there be much of issue in US if the faction for certain archetypes were changed?

Would there be much of issue in US if the faction for certain archetypes were changed?

Would there be much of issue in US if the faction for certain archetypes were changed? The Faction moves/score seem to import a sense of alliance between archetypes of the same Faction.. I am tempted to move Tainted to Night Faction and Wolf to Wild Faction to allow for a war between Vampires and Werewolves type storyline.

One thought on “Would there be much of issue in US if the faction for certain archetypes were changed?”

  1. The Faction scores tell us how well you understand the Factions, so naturally you have a better grasp on your own. However, there is abolutely nothing stopping you from changing the initial stats if everyone in the group is on board with it. Call it a custom move if you like. 🙂

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