Lots of mechanical chatter here.

Lots of mechanical chatter here.

Lots of mechanical chatter here. I’d like to hear some of your “TALES FROM THE APOCALYPSE!” (do a squeeky 1920’s radio voice). What are your best stories/experiences with the system? What kind of worlds have you played in/ended up with? 

9 thoughts on “Lots of mechanical chatter here.”

  1. Three favorite worlds:

    Mountaintop removal zone in Appalachia, with the Hardhold built in sections of old cabins and abandoned wind turbines.

    New mini-ice age means people live in underground missile silos, but there’s weird maelstrom fish swimming in the bottom of this one.

    Bayou of tiny islands with toxic water – boats are serious business.

  2. On a offshore platform. Under whitch lays She from the Depth, known only by the hocus as the Coral Lady.

    The coral grows really fast and threatens to cover all the platform. Only the hocus beleives it is salvation, and he can control the crowds. We had quite a bit of fun.

  3. Psychic darkness cloaks the world, tempting and twisting those who stray from the light.

    Humanity lives on space ships or hides on asteroids from the reavers while avoiding space madness. Logs and characters: https://space-world.obsidianportal.com

    After magic returned to the world, people have learned how to harness it to power simple technology but seemingly random fluctuations between science and magic laws keep them from rebuilding. Oh and the necromancers are coming.

    After a plague of brain fungus caused most of humanity to climb to the top of buildings to die, bands of survivors struggle to maintain safe food sources. (ongoing) Logs and characters: https://shackles-1.obsidianportal.com

  4. My favorite world was a crumbling World Colony Ship that had long lost it’s main crew and any semblance of maintenance — noone even knew they were in a space ship, that’s just what life was to them..  Whole sections were blown out, territory was valuable based on it’s nearness to functional water reclamation and food processing (or wildlife areas).  Sections were open to space with only weak force fields in place to keep the atmosphere in.  And the Maelstrom was subtle interface with the ship’s advanced computer. 

  5. My favorite experience was in an AW game run by Ross Cowman, where the Hardholder, Uncle, had this thing about “Uncle Says,” which was a ritual phrase, sorta, that turned a request from Uncle into the law of the land.  “Uncle Says you shouldn’t have to say ‘Uncle Says no shooting people in the face’!” The power was wielded gleefully, and as I recall a custom Move came out of that, even.  “When you break Uncle Says…”

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