12 thoughts on “Going to try running MonsterHearts for the first time tonight.”

  1. NPC cards. I grabbed the cast of Twilight and Heathers and Jessica’s Body and printed them on 4×6 cards. The rest is a place for names and notes and strings. (the pipe cleaners are fro strings because I like tokens)

  2. Truth be told, it’s one of those games I wouldn’t suggest playing with indie-game newbies…. there were a lot of questions and uncertainty concerning what the characters could accomplish in the fiction, and there was a challenge getting them to switch into authorial stance when they needed to. Add to that my GMing style which is much more sandboxy, we had a whole lot of unformed events leading nowhere, unfortunately. Not saying it was my players’ fault completely, I’m taking my share of it too. Ultimately, just “Not The Game For The Table”

  3. Sam Chupp Thank you for your candid response, I can see my group doing all of those things as well.  We would probably need a pre-game meeting for this one to see if everyone is on board. 

  4. I like the pipe cleaner strings. I’ve been trying to think of the best way of incorporating a physical prop. I was thinking actual pieces of string with tags on the end but coloured string for each player might be a good way of doing it, too.

  5. My wife crochets, and has been making a lot of children’s hats fro Christmas.  I just collected scrap pieces of yarn after she was done with each hat.  They’re thicker than just ‘string’, but won’t poke you like a pipe cleaner.  If you know any knitters you can probably get yarn scraps from them.

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