I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the…

I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the…

I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the discussions that I don’t see in the current Moves list that Mark Diaz Truman said in a comment from July:

“If someone cashes in a Debt, both parties mark the other’s Faction.”

Has that changed? Without that, it appears the game slants much more towards being GM-driven, as the Faction Moves are the only way to advance.

I’m a fan of the idea of settling Debts between players triggering XP. It seems like that would encourage that much more involvement with the whole Debts system.

5 thoughts on “I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the…”

  1. That is most definitely still the case! We want you to push those Debts on each other, so the faction-marks are there to motivate both parties into making that happen!

    If you need Power marked to advance and the Wizard you owe a Debt to you comes to you for help, force them to cash in their Debts so you can advance!

  2. Andrew Medeiros Thanks!

    Is that in the current materials and I’m missing it?

    This is crucial to the way the game plays, and I think it addresses a lot of the forced-GM interaction disconnect I’m seeing people are having with the advancement rules.

    Does this apply to NPCs, too? The NPC vampire cashes in a debt on you; do you mark Night?

  3. Yes and yes. The wording in your document is as follows “When you make a Faction move or settle a Debt, mark the Faction involved.” Settling a Debt is a 2-way street.

    Both the debtor and indebted are effectively settling the debt together, so they both get to mark respective Factions. This will be much clearer in the final version, we promise. 

  4. Ah, I see it now. I only skimmed the Quick Start guide; I was looking for it on the Moves list. Shows what I get for feeling like an old Powered by the Apocalypse pro.

    Game looks great just from what’s out here already. I hope to run it soon, so no doubt more questions will arise.

    Thanks for the ridiculously-prompt responses.

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