So I honestly don’t know that much about KENTA other than people being WAY EXCITED about him and some dope youtube…

So I honestly don’t know that much about KENTA other than people being WAY EXCITED about him and some dope youtube…

So I honestly don’t know that much about KENTA other than people being WAY EXCITED about him and some dope youtube clips, but With Spandex posted this highlight video and daaaaaamn.

He debuts in NXT tonite!

My biggest concern is that WWE developmentally-trained dudes won’t know how to deal with his stuff, but hey, hopefully I’ll be delightfully surprised.

14 thoughts on “So I honestly don’t know that much about KENTA other than people being WAY EXCITED about him and some dope youtube…”

  1. New Custom Move:

    My Style Is Kick you can use your +Work instead of +Power for any Move you do during a match. Whenever you hit a +Work roll on a 10+, gain an additional +1 Momentum. Whenever you botch a +Work roll, you injure your opponent.

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