10 thoughts on “Are any of the stretch goals going to be printed in the main book?”

  1. Initially they’ll be separate, because I’ll be working to get the basic book finished before the stretch goals.

    I’m thinking of a hardcover edition that will contain everything once it’s all finished. If I do that, print backers will get access to it at cost as well.

  2. I would rather 1 big book then 5 smaller books that I may forget top bring.

    And how big is too big? Dungeon World is 400 pages and it is still a fine size, so unless you are going to be 100 pages bigger than DW … you should be fine.

  3. I would rather not have all the other stuff that I may not use in every game in the core book.   Maybe a core book and a 2nd “extras” book with all the stretch goal stuff bound together.  

    But Tommy Rayburn has a good point, how big is too big 🙂

  4. I think it depends on what is being added.

    For example, I would love to see Touched add, seems a standard item I would want to see in the book. I would NOT want to see the extra missions added.

  5. Whichever way this goes, I’m looking forward to the results!  (Read: capering happily and cackling maniacally in the general direction of my tabletop gaming group’s resident cyberpunk junkie, who won’t know what hit him…)

  6. Tommy Rayburn

     Whereas personally, I’d rather not have Touched as part of the core book… it’s fine as an add-on, but magic/supernatural stuff is something I want kept well away from classic cyberpunk (if I want to play Shadowrun on AW, that’s what Sixth World is for).

  7. Tommy Rayburn It’s a matter of focus. What I want – and what The Sprawl is billed as – is a classic cyberpunk game. Having supernatural stuff in the core book totally changes the tone, even if use is optional.

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