Looking to restart my playtest for the World of Darkness add-on to Urban Shadows in the next few weeks now that Urban Shadows is clsoe to finalized. Was hard to work on y add-on when so much was being changed. Will be playing a variety of books to playtest the docs, starting with Vampire the Masquerade.
You must have access to the latest Urban Shadows play docs.
Dylan Clayton, you may be interested.
Maybe, though I was hoping to find a game that just used the standard rules and was more an ongoing thing than playtest sessions. But let me know when you’re thinking of getting started, if I haven’t found anything or I have and I still have time I’d be interested.
In the long run, this will be a full time game.
I assume not more than once a week, I don’t have a lot of gaming going on lately so…
Every other Monday is my usual.