Looking to restart my playtest for the World of Darkness add-on to Urban Shadows in the next few weeks now that…

Looking to restart my playtest for the World of Darkness add-on to Urban Shadows in the next few weeks now that…

Looking to restart my playtest for the World of Darkness add-on to Urban Shadows in the next few weeks now that Urban Shadows is clsoe to finalized. Was hard to work on y add-on when so much was being changed. Will be playing a variety of books to playtest the docs, starting with Vampire the Masquerade.

You must have access to the latest Urban Shadows play docs.

Dylan Clayton, you may be interested.

4 thoughts on “Looking to restart my playtest for the World of Darkness add-on to Urban Shadows in the next few weeks now that…”

  1. Maybe, though I was hoping to find a game that just used the standard rules and was more an ongoing thing than playtest sessions. But let me know when you’re thinking of getting started, if I haven’t found anything or I have and I still have time I’d be interested.

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