Thinking about running the next Journeyman’s Cup Tournament Episode tomorrow evening (Tues, Nov 4).

Thinking about running the next Journeyman’s Cup Tournament Episode tomorrow evening (Tues, Nov 4).

Thinking about running the next Journeyman’s Cup Tournament Episode tomorrow evening (Tues, Nov 4). Gather at 8 pm eastern/7 central, aim to start by 8.30 eastern/7.30 central

Jason Cox Stras Acimovic Joseph Le May Matthew Caulder Rohit Ramnath Adams Tower Joe Zantek who’s available?

13 thoughts on “Thinking about running the next Journeyman’s Cup Tournament Episode tomorrow evening (Tues, Nov 4).”

  1. Gah! Short notice ^_~ I can’t make it. Scheduled an AR beta test for tomorrow night and some of the folks have touchy schedules so I can’t move it around. Hopefully I’ll catch you next time.

  2. Ok! Looks like we got Joe Zantek Matthew Caulder Jason Cox and Adams Tower for tonite. Let me know if you need to drop out.

    no worries, y’all! I realized yesterday that today was the only day I could do it this week. I’ll try to have more leadtime in the future.

  3. I was thinking about your tag-team conundrum and I had an idea. What if Professor Atomo and Aidan Anthony (played by another player) faced Blind Man and a partner of his choosing (or Joey Crak as his punishment) in a “Wrestle With Your Fate” tag team match? That way Anthony gets to be actively working to escape his captivity, we show some tag work, and we keep the rivalry going. I don’t mind spending the momentum to have this happen in game, but thought I would float it and see what the peanut gallery thought.

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