Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.

Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.

Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.

Originally shared by Seth Harris

Finally! A great supers hack using the *World Engine. Join us for a four part, four color adventure. Garishly clad men and women. Mad men and diabolical geniuses. Threats from beyond our skies and terrors that dwell beneath our feet. A world of unparalleled wonder and bone-chilling villainy.


8 thoughts on “Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.”

  1. Sadly had to scrap the game, didn’t get enough players likely due to the holiday season. Have decided to try again come February and see if there’s any interest.

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