12 thoughts on “Back Cover, work-in-progress.”

  1. I like it! You don’t have a lot of space to work with but it would be fun to see some of the terms (such as “wrestling legend”) emphasized with bigger text or something. Just to pull out the important bits for people scanning the back.

  2. Looking forward to it.

    As for the design, I think you’d want the title of the book (“World Wide Wrestling”) to stand out more, maybe a little bigger, maybe a little warmer, maybe even the book’s title typeface in an appropriate size.

    Also, my eye still tries to read the two top text blocks because they’re the same typeface, even though alignment and color are different. (Stupid eye.) Perhaps the first one could be made very different, like a handwritten font for a more personal feel?

    These are just suggestions, of course. Feel free to tell me to STFU. Still looking forward to it regardless.

  3. Here’s what I’ve got. Love the orange angles. The left one needs to be a bit higher I think. Just above the belt to give space around the text. Use n-dashes not hyphens in the info block (3-8 1-10 etc.). The text at the top needs to be black not white. And probably bold. The bullet points should be ring bells. Consider changing “wrestling characters” to “wrestlers” in the blue text. I know, I know. You could play a manager or announcer. But it allows better breaking of that text and it sells better. I feel you could probably get a splash quote on the right hand side in the space above the orange. “This is AWESOME” or some other wrestling chant by a famous Kickstarter backer or something.

  4. I’m so weird about pull-quotes. Who am I to say “hey, you’re more well-known than me, give me some of your shine!”

    That said, who would YOU feel could give an appropriately name-recognitiony pullquote?

    (I would say “Gregor Hutton” but since you’re a contributor I think thats a no-go, stupid ethics)

  5. (Joe Prince had the greatest quote from Vince McMahon on the back of his wrestling game – it was a mathematics teacher who gamed with Joe and shared a famous name, with a differing middle initial.)

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