Hi PbtA folks!

Hi PbtA folks!

Hi PbtA folks! It is a slippery icy night where you can hear the crystals hitting the sides of the house. Naturally, this makes me think about AW setting bits. I’d love to hear folks’ setting details around hot drinks, fuzzy pets, and generally staying warm in a world that wants to turn you into an icicle. Tools used to clear ice/snow are also good.

7 thoughts on “Hi PbtA folks!”

  1. I recall that dogs were once trained to sleep at the bottom of one’s bed to warm the feet.  I wonder what larger, warmer, more docile mammals could be trained to warm bodies?

    [Upon rereading, it’s not clear I didn’t mean humans. I didn’t.]

  2. In the Snowpocalypse Chicago game we played last year, there was an ice mine located under the lake. An entire community that dug out flash frozen fish from the icy depths to cook and sell aboveground. It was really neat.

  3. A couple years back, Mark Diaz Truman and I ran an AW LongCon set in an Icepocalypse at GenCon. After the world froze, humans sheltered in warm places, while the Others silently infected those who ventured forth. Once inside, they seek to infect others and shut off the heat. Once infected, you could stave off its advancement by sharing a moment of human warmth (for example, intimacy, sex, violence) with another person, but doing so would likely infect them.

  4. The sky is a weave of impenetrably dark clouds, the cacophonous lightning which strikes across the horizon is the only source of natural illumination. Occasionally, on those happy days when the wind is not so bitingly cold and the air is not so suffocatingly dry, the clouds will begin to fade into a murky veil of gray, and if you are fortunate enough to witness this parting at a moment during the time that the people of the old world once called day then you will see a bright glow shine through, and maybe for a moment you will feel a brief warmth from the thing that nobody has seen since the last day of judgment: sunlight.

    There is no safe shelter in this new world, but all who survive seek the forgotten light of day.

  5. And to this: over Christmas weekend I read a very good book about the Donner party. Tiny filthy dark smokey cabins with hide roofs, snow 20 feet deep, and eventually cannibalism. Good times!

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