anyone else is having trouble displaying the pdf on tablet, phone, etc. ?

anyone else is having trouble displaying the pdf on tablet, phone, etc. ?

anyone else is having trouble displaying the pdf on tablet, phone, etc. ?

I’m asking because it works fine for me on the computer but not on any other device, where pages are not loaded.

11 thoughts on “anyone else is having trouble displaying the pdf on tablet, phone, etc. ?”

  1. One the one hand, sorry to hear that!


    On the other hand, the final PDF will have a screen-optimized version that I’ve tested on my mobile devices, at least. And an .epub. 

    If it’s not opening at all, though, that’s weird.

  2. Hey Nathan Paoletta what happens to me is that it loads the front cover and (sometimes) the next couple of pages.

    All the other pages are shown as blank.

    I was wondering if it was something related to my devices/settings, or if it was the file.

    Anyway, don’t worry! The game it is awesome and I don’t mind to wait for a fixed file (if it is the case).

    Have a nice day!

  3. Weird. Hopefully the next version will be less problematic. For the record it does open fine on my iPad in the Dropbox, iBooks and Cloudreaders apps, but I’ll do my best!

  4. Ok, so it works fine in Ipad (every appa I tryed) and on my iphone it works if ai open it in dropbox but not in adobe. Or in my archos tablet, so it is just something that depends from my device (just to let you know!).

  5. Interesting. Yeah, I can only really test on iPad and iPhone b/c I am an apple slave. But when I get the final one together maybe we’ll be able to do some other device testing and see if I can do anything on my end to help! Thanks for letting me know.

  6. I have the same problem as Lenny Pacelli​ with the final version of the PDF on my Asus (Android) tablet. Similarly the PDFs have no problem on the computer.

    Edit: It seems the problems arise only when you use the Adobe Reader app. If you change your PDF reader app, the PDF shows normally.

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