Our 4th career is the Explorer.

Our 4th career is the Explorer.

Our 4th career is the Explorer. This career balances between wilderness-related skills and general bravery/reckless skills. Those who followed the alpha version of the rules might notice an important omission; the ‘Animal Companion’ skill was removed. Lots of reasons why, mostly it felt clunky and anachronistic… plus for some reason I just don’t like animal companion in RPGs.

For those of you interested in the math of Recklessness, an unmodified roll has ~83.5% chance of having consequences, and half that time it will be a failure.

41.67% Failure with consequences

41.67% Success with consequences

16.67% Success

So while Recklessness increases your chance of failure by ~9%, it greatly increases your chance of succeeding flawlessly. (Of course, that math goes out the window with modifiers)

Tomorrow, the Industrial career.
