Our playtesting has corrected some issues with with the mechanics and at the same time proved to be really entertaining. I’m quite hopeful that during this weekend I can release the updated playtest-files and blog about the nuances of the game system!
https://www.facebook.com/EldritchSigilsOur playtesting has corrected some issues with with the mechanics and at the same time proved to be really…
Our playtesting has corrected some issues with with the mechanics and at the same time proved to be really…
What are you working on?
It’s a “roll a bunch of dice” hack with additional mechanics that is based on the dug up skeleton of Apocalypse World + “of course you can spend a chip on that”-attitude.
In essence it is a struggle for keeping the reality together while beings from the Beyond are trying to break through; think of Lovercraftian horrors meet your favorite age (currently 40s in our campaign).
Recommended popular culture include for example: film noir movies (our current campaign), The Lost Room (tv-series), The Dark Tower (Stephen King’s epic), and Fatale (comic, my most recent find(.