I take serious issue with the “Factions” episode of WWE COUNTDOWN.

I take serious issue with the “Factions” episode of WWE COUNTDOWN.

I take serious issue with the “Factions” episode of WWE COUNTDOWN.

#5 was Evolution, okay, fine.  I can dig that.  But the FOUR HORSEMEN were only #4?  NWO at #3 I can accept, and it seemed almost a given that they’d put DeGeneration X as the #1, although I still insist that the Four Horsemen should be on top.

But by all that is unholy, how in the world did The Brood land the #2 slot???

6 thoughts on “I take serious issue with the “Factions” episode of WWE COUNTDOWN.”

  1. It’s part of the WWE self-hagiography, also. Anything that happened before, oh, 1996 is pretty much relegated to the dustbin of history, except for cherry-picked “Legends”

  2. Also, the “Most Infamous Intercontinental Champions” episode.  Most of the list was pretty solid — but Macho Man Randy Savage was NOWHERE ON IT.  There’s something wrong with that.

  3. The weird thing is that the episode even made a point of stating that without the Horsemen, that the whole idea of the Faction wouldn’t have come about, or would have been very, very different.  And yet, they were still only #4.

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