Question with the move prepareness the Expert can have here and right now even the weakness of the monster if that weakness is an object? Even a unique object? For example let’ s say that the monster is some kind of dijn and his weakness is the bottle of the dijn, can the expert have that bottle even if I planned it to be in the hands of an evil cult? P.s. Elisa Greco Gambino if you read this is not the weakness of our golden monster it’s only a question about the move
Question with the move prepareness the Expert can have here and right now even the weakness of the monster if that…
Question with the move prepareness the Expert can have here and right now even the weakness of the monster if that…
Not “if” but “when”
I always read posts on this community!
Hm… you need to be honest to your preparation, so if you know that the unique object currently is with someone else, then it’s fair to say that preparedness wouldn’t get it.
Even then, it’s not impossible! Depends on if your expert is the time to steal artifacts from evil cults just in case they might need it later!
I would probably be fine with using the move this way if I had decided that a specific thing was needed but not exactly where it was.
Ok thank you Michael Sands
“How did you get it!?
-Wasn’t easy.”
Depends on the group, the situation, the timing and the delivery but yeah, I can see myself going with it.
Could also be “a” djinn bottle and not “the” djinn bottle.