Third Party Material & Licensing

Third Party Material & Licensing

Third Party Material & Licensing

I’ve gotten a couple requests about this, so here’s the official WWWRPG policy (until and unless I change it).

WWWRPG is a standard copyrighted work (under the laws of the US, etc). My policy for granting licenses and permissions is “ask me, I’ll probably say yes”.

If you want to share a Gimmick, custom Move or Promotion (or anything else, really): if you’re sharing it for free, go for it. I’d appreciate a link to the website somewhere in the material you share.

If you want to sell it, that’s fine too. I’ll ask you to put the WWWRPG logo and my website on it – ask me, I’ll provide the logo.

If you want to create a larger supplementary work (like a Lucha Libre supplement with some new Moves and Gimmicks and writeups about how to do a great Luchadore game), that’s awesome. I ask that you not reprint the basic Moves and Gimmicks, and that you put the logo & website on it, whether it’s for free or a sale thing.

If you want to pitch me on a supplementary work to be published as a part of my World Wide Wrestling RPG line (in the same visual style, etc), we can talk about it. I’m open to publishing third-party work through ndp design but we’d need to work out terms based on the project in question.

Any questions? Make sense?

4 thoughts on “Third Party Material & Licensing”

  1. Anyone have a bare-bones word format for sheets? Otherwise I’ll whip one up. Thinking of  going for THE PRODIGAL: Whether you’re back for one more run, done touring with your rock band or simply working Santa’s Schedule, you’re the one who the fans love. But do they only love you in small doses? Did your career end 15 years ago, and nobody told you?

    Edit: Prodigal draft 1v1 is live!

  2. I can make an InDesign template available (and have it on my list to do eventually), but I probably won’t get to it until tomorrow. Word’s probably more accessible tho.

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