Okay, fellow wrestling fans, I have a question for you.

Okay, fellow wrestling fans, I have a question for you.

Okay, fellow wrestling fans, I have a question for you.

I have a friend who is asking to be introduced to wrestling.  What shows/PPVs/episodes would you suggest showing this person, to give them an idea of Wrestling at its best?

And in particular, if you had to pick one or two Royal Rumbles in particular, which ones would you select?

Also — anyone know any good sites that stream this stuff?  They don’t have Bittorrent, and aren’t ready to drop money on the WWE network just yet.

20 thoughts on “Okay, fellow wrestling fans, I have a question for you.”

  1. Bash at the Beach 1996. Technically before I started following in earnest, but the start of the nWo is classic.

    The best of 7 contest between Booker T and Chris Benoit. I never saw it but it was supposed to be epic.

    Anything from Rey Mysterio Jr., Billy Kidman, any of the cruiserweights.

    Anything out of ECW, or later stuff from ECW superstars turned WCW or WWE.

    Anything from DDP 😀 (Was actually a fan before DDP Yoga.)

    They say that you can get WWE Network on a month to month basis, no commitment.

  2. There is a lot of good stuff on youtube, including promotions other than WWE. Just go for “50 best Wrestlemania moments” “top 35 finishers” and so on. It’s the cream of the acrobatics and athlethicism.

    And for the stories – tell him about the Streak, the Montreal Screwjob, the NWO and show appropriate vids. 

  3. So, as far as actual ring work, my favorite matches are any RVD vs Jerry Lynn match from ECW, or any ECW 3 way dance involving Super Crazy, Tajiri, and Little Guido.

  4. Mostly American WWF and Indy, and some old WCW footage from the Monday Night Wars as well.  Maybe some vintage 80’s stuff.  That’s the stuff I know best.

  5. And even within those, there’s a lot of variety. Are you going for technical classics, comedy matches, spotfests, storytelling, etc?

    Wrestling is a big thing, full of stuff. 😀

  6. Early TNA is a good example of old school wrestling ideals…. Less soap opera and more wrestling dialog. Same thing with old NWA/WCW/WWF eras back in the late 70s and early 80s, where wrestling was the focus and the promos were short and to the point.

    For more along the soap opera style, I prefer the attitude era of WWE, when DX was at its height, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock were high on the list, and the promos were funny and exciting to watch. Unfortunately, today’s promos don’t hold a candle to that era.

  7. Can’t go wrong with Macho Man/Ricky Steamboat from WM3

    Starrcade 88 is a nice cross-section of 80s Crockett, and has some great matches on it.

    Any of the big Hardy Boyz/Dudley Boys/Edge and Christian ladder matches are amazing to watch with modern eyes.

  8. The Wrestler is a really sad movie. I’m not sure it’s the way to get someone into wrestling. You could watch something like Los Campeones Justicieros or other Lucha flicks if you want to introduce them to the Mad Scientist-fighting end of things.

  9. Yeah, it occurred to me that WWW is the more high-energy, enthusiasm superhero perspective on wrestling, and not the maudlin sadsack story that Jason and I inevitably turn to when we game 😉

  10. Jason Morningstar

    == Jobber / Face == 

    -1 Look

     0 Work

    +1 Real

    -1 Power

    [X] MAKE ‘EM CRY

    When you have +4 audience at the end of a match, tell a maudlin sadsack story and roll +Real. On a 10+, Pick one, On a 7-9 pick three:

    – Your story leaves the audience in tears; reset ALL heat to 0 and mark an advance.

    – The promotion closes, start a new, non-fiction-based RPG.

    – Your fictional colleagues lose their jobs and end up homeless, alone, and make poor decisions with the rest of their short sad life.

    On a botch, Pick 3, but it’s not kayfabe any more. It’s all true and happening to you RIGHT NOW.

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