3 thoughts on “Just got This in the mail today!”

  1. Doing what I can Christopher Stone-Bush. The Sat group is “open to” new systems and games but they hate changing once we’ve started something. So, since we’re already playing Fate, it’s gonna be an uphill battle to get Dungeon World onto our table.

    I’m actually thinking of writing some custom moves and using them to help me with some twists and turns in the current space opera game tho and I may use this as a stepping stone to getting some PbtA games on the table for us. I saw a post on the group about a custom “docking” move that looked promising and I’m probably gonna look at that thread a little more to see what’s getting said. 

    We’ll see what shakes out of this tree here and I’ll give you guys an update in a few weeks to let you know what’s going on.

  2. My group is doing that, as well. We’re currently playing DW as an interlude in our high fantasy FATE game. Everyone’s enjoying the change, and we’re getting more people introduced to PBTA game systems. 🙂

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