Found time to revise that custom gimmick I created. Took the advice to heart the best I could and attempted to give it a little more sense of purpose. Big thanks to Adam Goldberg for making such solid Move suggestions. I did my best not to just straight rip them, but I definitely wanted to find a way to implement the ideas because they were really good ideas. Overall I think it’s a bit more solid than before, but let me know what you think.
Found time to revise that custom gimmick I created.
Found time to revise that custom gimmick I created.
Also added an Ego/Alter Ego mechanic which was brought up last time too. It was an idea I had already had in the back of my mind, it just seemed a bit too ambitious before I had a good foundation. Decided to just add it in anyway. It could work, it could not. Just needs some playtesting to see what happens!
If you want to rip them, use’em with a credit. I have no illusions that things I write in a fangroup are deeply truly protected copyright works of staggering brilliance. They’re designed for people to use.
I’ll definitely add a credit in the “finalized” version regardless of if they’re directly ripped or not! I plan on using .indd file to create a PDF when I have a bit of extra free time.
Do you think Who Me should be +Look instead of +Real? I feel like pretending to be someone else all the time should penalize (or at least interact) with your Real.
Maybe. I was trying to find a way to get a solid +Real Move into the gimmick since it is a requirement of building a custom. It felt the most logical out of my pre-existing pool to choose from in that it was a move that really fits the character and it had the closest relation to having a real world effect on the character (as opposed to something strictly kayfabe). I really wanted to avoid creating another move, plus with such an out there sort of gimmick
I’m continuing to realize just how detached from reality this gimmick is. It makes it a little harder to pinpoint the best use of a +Real move on someone who isn’t constatly stuck in one disguise or another. I had to kind of think outside the box and found what I could relate as the most important, real thing to a man with multiple faces.
Maybe something like the “Shred the Mirror” of the MH Cuckoo skin, although my below implementation is odd:
“When someone is about to reveal your identity (and it’s not at the conclusion of a feud), read them this and they roll +Real.
“The truth may set you free. But if you can’t handle the truth, you’ll be a liar forever, Jack.”
On a 10+, they do it and gain 2 momentum, and you gain +1 heat on them. Pick another gimmick or revert to your old ego.
On a 7-9, they gain 2 momentum, but there’s more to you than they expected. Next show, reveal ANOTHER, more extreme ego.
On a botch, they’re left empty handed. They lose -1 Aud for ruining the fun and you gain 1 momentum.
They can’t spend momentum on this roll but can roll +Heat, if they wish.
NOTE: This move replaces “Break Kayfabe” when it’s about your secret identity.
Or something where you roll +Real to get someone to back off, legit, for their own safety.
Oh, those sound promising. I’ll play around with the idea a bit.