Hey all!

Hey all!

Hey all!

Tom and I are going to do an open beta of the new playtest version of The Sword, The Crown, and the Unspeakable power. If you’re interested in getting a link to it, please post in this thread and I will create a circle where people who are interested can get a copy.

183 thoughts on “Hey all!”

  1. I’m sure I won’t really get around to playtesting it (well, for awhile anyway) but I’d certainly take a look, and there are some people I know who aren’t really aware of the project that might be best introduced to it with something like this.

  2. I’m not sure, I’ll find the time right now, but I loved playing it with you and would love to have the beta version in case I can find the time. Miss you, guys!

  3. Hi, all! If you posted in this thread, I put you in a circle for SCUP playtesters and just posted the file for you to download. So check your stream for a post from me with a link to the game. Let me know if you don’t see it.

  4. Hey all. A few things:

    1) Think I’ve got everyone except for a few folks who G+ wouldn’t let me circle up for some reason. If that’s you, I’ll hangout message you directly with the link.

    2) If you downloaded the file any time before this post, your version has a few typos that I caught. Nothing game breaking, but I hate typos so I fixed them and re-uped it. Re download it if you want the fewer typos version!

    3) John Willson No idea what’s going on because you’re listed in the circle. I’ll message you the link.

  5. Todd Nicholas You can post the link to the post in here. If people aren’t in the circle, they’ll get an error from Google saying they can’t see it. 

  6. I did not get in much reading yet. But the fist logo kind of reminded me of a straight edge / skinhead aethetic and that inspired a Monsterhearts character I played yesterday and enjoyed greatly. 😉

    He could have had that logo as a button on his jacket.

  7. Hey folks! Just added all the new people who commented. That means that you should be able to go to my posts and see the materials. Let me know if you can’t.

  8. If it’s not too late, I’d love to check out the new version, too.

    Just because this is what players will ask me when I put this out at conventions: any idea when you will kickstart this?

  9. I pitched the game to the group in which it’s my turn to GM, and the troglodytes weren’t up for it!  To be fair, none of them are Game-Of-Thrones fans.  When I explained the premise of courtly intrigue and backstabbing, one said “sounds too much like my office.”  Oh well!

    But I have enjoyed reading the playtest doc.  It seems really solid.  I like the factions mechanics.  And the Unspeakable Power is suitably creepy.  I can’t wait to try this out with the right group of people whose day-jobs aren’t so backstabby.

    Thanks Todd and good luck!

  10. You added the last batch of people? What a pity. A bit to late. 🙂 But nevertheless, Good Luck! Hope to see it on Kickstarter, or wherever!

  11. I follow the link and get “This URL may be incorrect, the post may have been deleted, or the post may not have been shared with this account (roninkakuhito@gmail.com).You can sign in to the account this post was shared with.”

  12. If I can jump on this wagon I would love to take a look.  I was gong through the Big List of Apoc and saw you guys.  I have read and playtested many AW inspired designs with my home group and would love to take a look.

  13. I am also interested! Though Dungeon World has a special place in my heart, I always also wanted a fantasy Powered by the Apocalypse game that focused on shaping the world in the same way AW does, and DW doesn’t scratch that itch. SCUP sounds like exactly the game I’ve been yearning for!

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