Hey there, I’ve been playing Monsterhearts for a while, and wanted to try and make some new skins.

Hey there, I’ve been playing Monsterhearts for a while, and wanted to try and make some new skins.

Hey there, I’ve been playing Monsterhearts for a while, and wanted to try and make some new skins. I wanted to know how you made new skins? Like is there a blank template or program you use, like paint or something? 

Thanks in advance for any help.

8 thoughts on “Hey there, I’ve been playing Monsterhearts for a while, and wanted to try and make some new skins.”

  1. I made an In Design template for my Skins, but I know for a fact there is a Word template floating around somewhere. Maybe someone else knows where it’s hiding. If you can’t find it (or don’t like it) I’d be happy to layout your Skin for you.

    That sounds kinda creepy, huh?

  2. You wouldn’t be the first person on the internet to proposition me like that. Any help would be appreciated.

    I don’t have In Design sadly. Can anyone recommend an alternative?

  3. Side Q: have you already played with some of the Second Skins and Skins for the Skinless packs? Lots more interesting archetypes to try out. Tegu also goes into the thought process in creating skins in the Second Skins companion.

  4. If you are looking to make an enture game hack it might be best to start by looking through Apocalypse World (that Monsterhearts was based off of) and maybe some the other *World Hacks already out there. Dungeon world has a following and i’m a fan of Ghostlines

  5. I know that Steph Goswitz has made a template made up for making skins PDF. I don’t know if it is share-able but I do think she may be open to helping other people make the pdf of their skin.

  6. I used InDesign to make my template, which you mentioned would not help you. I am happy to work something out with folks if they want their text put onto a sheet for them though.

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