So, status update (I’ll move these updastes to actual play once Gimmicks are picked):

So, status update (I’ll move these updastes to actual play once Gimmicks are picked):

So, status update (I’ll move these updastes to actual play once Gimmicks are picked):

I have four signees and now I’m awaiting to see which Gimmicks they will pick.

The Setting I’m using:

Due to popular demand and a growing roster of capable women wrestlers, The WWW (World Wide Wrestling) recently made a bold move: A gender roster split.

While it’s still technically the WWW Women’s division, the Women now has the autonomy to run their own shows, starting with a taped 1 hour show on Saturday Nights (the mainstream WWW show is on live on Mondays and the Women show is taped infront of a live audience prior to that. Think of what the WWF used to do with Smackdown, where they taped it prior to a live RAW).

Tina Tahini, former co-head booker of WWW now is the head booker of this project, with full authority to push and de-push talent as the need arises. On screen, she is the host/commentator/interviewer, putting her self in easy reach and viewing angle to direct things while the show is in commercial.


So, basically, it’s a combination of both A and B (see my previous update).

The show will have it’s own ideas and freshness… but since it’s still WWW, it’ll use some of the traditional gimmicks as well. For example, I’m considering the first few episodes consisting of World Wide Wrestling’s first ever All-Women Journeyman Tournament. I also plan, in the future, to have a Regal Wrangle as well (I’m subtitling it: The world’s largest catfight!).

For the moment, not worried about Championships. They’ll come when they come and when needed, I’ll make something up on the fly. For now, I aim to establish a setting that the other players can shape, while also establishing them.


One thought on “So, status update (I’ll move these updastes to actual play once Gimmicks are picked):”

  1. Sounds neat! I personally would keep focus on the characters themselves (once you have them) and their agendas and feuds, and try to avoid a “look at these WOMEN FIGHTING” male-gaze-y attitude (I think the idea of billing something as “worlds biggest catfight” from the outset, as opposed to it coming up from a character-driven place in play, makes me a little nervous). Hope that makes sense! Women’s wrestling rules.

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